Jaana Sinipuro is a Project Director at Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund. She is an experienced ICT and management professional who believes that the successful digital services of the future will be based on trust and create value for everyone.
Jaana currently works with the Fair Data Economy project (IHAN) that aims to set up European-level rules and guidelines for the economy where services and data-based products are created ethically. Fairness means that the rights of individuals are protected and the needs of all stakeholders are taken into account in a data economy. Before joining Sitra, Jaana worked as a Senior Advisor at SAS Institute, a business analytics company. She is a certified Enterprise Architect with over 20 years of experience within data, analytics, and knowledge management.
At SHIFT 2020, Jaana will focus on circular economy and fair data economy as tools for rebuilding companies post-corona. Prepare yourself for Jaana’s keynote with the following questions: 1) Data moves goods. Think about a scenario where the data your company has is put to good use to circulate the materials or other resources you consume. Where would you start? 2) If you think about your own immediate business environment can you identify companies as potential data network partners – trusted actors whose data complements the data your company has?
Read Jaana Sinipuro’s text How Can Circular Economy and Fair Data Economy Help to Rebuild Your Company Post-Corona? at SHIFT Blog.
SHIFT’s climate partner Chooose has agreed to offset the speaker’s CO2 emissions for six months, including their participation to SHIFT 2020.
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