WHEN? Tuesday Aug 23 at 18:00-21:00 (doors 17:30)
WHERE? Visitor and innovation center Joki
Invitation only
WHEN? Wednesday Aug 24 at 8:30-10:15
WHERE? Kakola, Kakolan Sali
Welcome to start your day at the SHIFT Busines Festival side event by Turun Kauppakamari in cooperation with Veritas Pension Insurance on Wednesday 24th August 8:30–10:15 at Kakola. At this morning coffee event, you will hear new viewpoints about today’s leadership in a digitalized world and how to solve challenges in a cross-border virtual team.
8:00 Coffee service starts
8:30 Event starts
Digijohtamisen uusi normaali, Carl Haglund, CEO, Veritas
Digitaalinen transformaatio Matkahuollossa, Janne Jakola, CEO, Matkahuolto
Choosing Leaders for a Growing Global Team, Borislav Sinik, Partner Director Nordics, Globalization Partner
N.B. The first two speeches are in Finnish, the last one is in English.
The event will be held at Kakolan Sali, near the upper station of Funikulaari. Notice that there are no parking spots available. The event is a short walk from Hotel Kakola, where SHIFT Business Festival 2022 is held.
Free entry. Welcome!
More information (in Finnish): Turun Kauppakamari
Registration (in Finnish)
WHEN? Wednesday Aug 24 at 17:00–18:00
WHERE? Kakola, Kakolan Vintti
How to attract the best talents!
Join us to hear how companies and public organizations recruit, onboard, and retain international talents. At the event, the winners of the International Employer of the Year competition will be announced, followed by a round table discussion.
17:00 Welcome words by Turku Business Region/Megumi Hayashi, JCI Finland/Pauliina Papunen and DIGIMESH/Hanna Kirjavainen
17:10 Panel Discussion: How to connect online? Netiquette for international talents in Finland
17:45 AWARDS to winners of the International Employer of the Year competition
Moderator: Natalia Mufutau
The event is organized by JCI Finland, DIGIMESH, Turku Business Region, and SHIFT and is free of charge and open to all interested.
The event will be held at Kakolan Vintti, near the upper station of Funikulaari. Notice that there are no parking spots available. The event is a short walk from Hotel Kakola, where SHIFT Business Festival 2022 is held.
Registration. Please register by 21.8 and only if you will join the event face to face!
WHEN? Wednesday Aug 24 at 18:00-23:00
WHERE? Hotel Kakola, SHIFT festival area
The first festival day will end with a bang! Join the after party with DJs, dance, drinks, and food as well as a surprise program. You don’t want to miss this! The after-party is open to all ticket holders.
WHEN? Thursday Aug 25 at 16:30-23:00
WHERE? Bar Fredrik, Linnankatu 18
We will wrap up the festival with an exclusive SHIFT after festival get-together at Bar Fredrik, just a short walk, or biketaxi ride (free rides with your badge!), from the festival area.
Join us for networking and drinks – with your SHIFT badge entry is free for you and your avec!
Sisällön yhteydessä voidaan näyttää sosiaalisessa mediassa julkaistuja sisältöjä. Sosiaalisen median palvelut (esim. Facebook, Instagram, X ja YouTube) voivat hyödyntää evästeillä kerättyjä tietoja omassa käytössään. Näitä kohteita käytetään sinulle ja sinun etuihisi liittyvän mainonnan toimittamiseen. Lisäksi näitä evästeitä voidaan käyttää mittaamaan mainoskampanjoiden tehokkuutta. Mainosverkostot sijoittavat ne yleensä verkkosivuston ylläpitäjän luvalla.