Simo Ellilä is the CEO of the biotech startup company eniferBio. The focus of his work is taking the company’s technology global.
EniferBio’s PEKILO® technology enables use of dilute organic side streams for sustainable protein production. It can replace soya protein and fish meal in feed applications, both ingredients associated with significant environmental challenges, such as rainforest deforestation or overfishing.
Prior to spinning out eniferBio from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Simo mainly held different R&D roles at VTT. Simo’s research has always focused on applying the latest in biotechnology to creating more sustainable production processes e.g. for fuels, materials, and food.
In his speech at SHIFT 2021, Simo will discuss the story behind eniferBio. He will also reflect on how the untimely demise and recent rebirth of the process reflects on wider trends in the pulp and paper industry, global manufacturing, and trends regarding environmental awareness and sustainability.
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