Niklas has a Doctor of Science degree in bioprocess engineering from Aalto University in Finland. He has also studied economics and innovation strategies. His job career begun in 1999, when he took on the position of Research Scientist at Cultor Technology Center (today DuPont). He has since hold the positions of Project Manager, Team Leader, Program Manager, Technology Manager and Vice President for Research at Aalto University, VTT, CLIC Innovation Ltd and Metsä Fibre Ltd, respectively. He is currently CEO of Metsä Spring Ltd, the venture capital arm of Metsä Group. Niklas is currently also Board member of the Bio-based Industries Consortium BIC, the private partner of BBI JU.
Niklas Von Weymarn will talk about Forests – the Treasure of Finland on Westin Stage on 14:00-15:00 August 29th. Check out the timetable!
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