Nando Malmelin

Professor of Practice, VTT

Ph.D. Nando Malmelin has published ten books and award-winning articles on creativity, brands, management, and strategic thinking in various international scientific publications. He currently works at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland as a Professor of Practice focusing on disruptive business. He is also an Adjunct Professor of media and communication studies at the University of Helsinki.

Malmelin’s previous work experience includes positions such as Professor of Practice Aalto University School of Business, Development Director at A-lehdet Oy, Visiting Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), and Head of Unit at Turku School of Economics’ Finland Futures Research Centre’s Helsinki office.

At SHIFT 2020, Nando will talk about strategic foresight, organizational renewal, and disruptive thinking.


SHIFT’s climate partner Chooose has agreed to offset the speaker’s CO2 emissions for six months, including their participation to SHIFT 2020.