Mikko Dufva is Sitra’s future expert and docent of future studies at Aalto University. His work focuses on future trends, the tensions between these trends and images of the future. He also seeks to identify non-obvious but important issues for the future. Mikko has extensive experience in foresight and is a Doctor of Science (Technology) in the field of futures knowledge generation and systemic foresight.
In his key note, Mikko Dufva will give tips on how to make your company a better fit for futures in these times of surprises and complexity. Taking megatrends as a starting point, he will paint the big picture of change as well as discuss the weight of the past and the pull of futures. To conclude, he will point to practical tools to help listeners get started in futures thinking.
Key take aways of the key note:
- Postnormal times challenge the way we think about futures.
- Megatrends can provide a map to start discussing futures.
- In addition to trends, there is a need to challenge assumptions about futures and imagine alternative futures.
- Futures are built together.
Topic: Futures thinking in postnormal times.
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