Visual artist – spot Elina’s art work at the onsite & virtual venue!
Garden of Hope
“My plan was to create a cabinet of curiosities and capture local endangered butterflies. However, the global pandemic changed everything. When I was down, I gained strength from nature. Every time I went for a walk with my dogs, I paid special attention to the ever-changing shapes, textures, and colours of plants. Consequently, Garden of Hope blossomed, and a few butterflies found their way there as well. Garden of Hope is a bright spot during uncertain and threatening times.”
Buzz for Life
“Insects’ shapes, patterns, and color combinations are astonishing. However, a worrying fact endures: many insects are today at risk of extinction. For the past few years, I’ve dedicated my artwork to the magnificent insects. These tiny pollinators, destroyers, and earth replenishers have an enormous impact on our ecosystem. They are an invisible force that sustains life. Long live the bugs!”
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