Claes Kaami is Vice President of Data and AI at Futurice where he is working tirelessly to discover and conceptual software-enabled service opportunities for Data Science business. Kaami’s work actively covers P&L, recruitment, sales, people happiness, and marketing. Describing his own professional life, he opened to aim for creating a high-performance team, which is also the key to a truly desirable service and business growth.
Before being attached to the great team of Futurice, Claes has had years of experience in sales and business consulting.
The vice president of Futurice earned his first degree in Telecommunication System at Helsinki University of Technology. Soon after that, he finished the Agile Management Master course from Scrum Alliance.
Claes Kaarni will talk about Human-Machine Co-Operation in Maritime on Westin Stage on 12:30-13:30 August 30th. Check out the timetable!
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