PhD in Physics and MPhil in nanotechnology commercialization from Cambridge University and Judge Business School, Andrey Shigaev took Business Development leadership in Geyser Batteries in 2018. His experience spans multiple technology-intensive projects across the world, and includes assignments ranging from academia-to-business technology transfer to venture capital and infrastructure development.
At SHIFT, Andrey will discuss how and if science is leading the way for sustainable business. The world is facing unprecedented challenges that clearly can not be solved with the current level of technological development. Huge steps have been made technically and politically in the transition towards sustainable economy and society, but more than anything those revealed more major new challenges for us.
Read Andrey’s text Deep Tech – Is It for You? at SHIFT Blog.
SHIFT’s climate partner Chooose has agreed to offset the speaker’s CO2 emissions for six months, including their participation to SHIFT 2020.
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