Ami Rubinstein has worked for over 15 years in international management and business development with both large public companies and startups, including Outokumpu and Optomeditech. He is passionate about creating ‘another Finnish success story’ and heading Sulapac’s journey to becoming the new standard in sustainable materials replacing plastic. He approaches these goals with engaged and empowering leadership and strategic process approach. Ami is strongly committed to Sulapac’s mission and is eager to see this innovation becoming a part of people’s everyday life throughout the world.
At SHIFT 2020, Ami will be talking about co-creation, the holy grail of innovation. Magnitude in market reach and disruptive ways of thinking are being brought together at an emerging rate. Cooperation is the key, everyone knows that, but the holy grail is co-creation. Using the speed and agility of startups in the to market strategy and the global reach of corporates in an efficient way makes it possible for disruption at an unknown rate.
Read Ami’s text What Does It Take to Change the World? on SHIFT Blog.
SHIFT’s climate partner Chooose has agreed to offset the speaker’s CO2 emissions for six months, including their participation to SHIFT 2020.
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