SHIFT plans and co-facilitates a challenge competition for If P&C Insurance, a leading Nordic insurance provider. The call for innovative teams working on work-related mental health issues closed on May 5. Selected competitors have now been informed.
The competition received dozens of high-level applications. “We evaluated the teams from five different angles: strength of the team, market size and opportunity, uniqueness of the product and technology, scalability, and how well the product or service fits into If’s service portfolio,” explains Elia Elenius, the Chief Development Officer of SHIFT.
Based on the evaluation of ten experts from If and SHIFT, the following companies will now compete from a possible business deal with If: Cauha Care, Meru Health, Emooter, Fifth Corner and LifeClass.
On May 22 the teams have an opportunity to meet experts from If & SHIFT and get feedback on their solution. The actual challenge day will be held on June 17 at Mathildedal.
SHIFT congratulates all the chosen ones!
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