SHIFT is planning and co-facilitating a challenge competition for If P&C Insurance, a leading Nordic insurance provider, for new solutions to work-related mental health issues. The call for innovative startups and teams to participate in the challenge is now open. The winner of the challenge competition will have the opportunity to work alongside If as a part of their service solution portfolio.
“When we got the opportunity to tackle this socially important issue, we did not hesitate. We are confident that our startup network and growth-company expert know-how will help If P&C Insurance find a service solution to meet their needs,” says Elia Elenius, the Chief Development Officer of SHIFT.
One in four sick leave compensations granted by The Social Insurance Institution of Finland involves a cause related to mental health, depression being by far the single most common cause. According to studies, depression is increasingly leading to work absences, or even early retirement, while the number of cases per capita has remained constant.
“If wants to support the society to solve this increasing problem among our teenagers and adults,” says Tiina Pajamo, Head of Corporate Person Insurances at If P&C Insurance Ltd (publ), branch in Finland.
Read more about the challenge competition and apply on If’s website (in Finnish).
Application deadline is on May 5.
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