In the future, new technologies will substitute even one third of today’s professions. Most of the jobs that can be automatized, will be. The types of tasks we do at work will also be different, which means we must be able to adapt to a changing working life.
Lauri Järvilehto, who has a PhD in theoretical philosophy, will join us in SHIFT 2017 -business festival and speak about the future of work. What will disappear, what will remain? What is the significance of work in the future? Will life-long careers even exist anymore, or will the present concept of career fragment? And how do we make our dreams come true in a changing world?
Lauri Järvilehto is an author of several bestselling books on thinking, learning and working. He is one of the founders of the Academy of Philosophy in Finland and co-founder and CEO of Lightneer, a startup that develops educational games – so it’s natural that themes that relate to startup entrepreneurship are close to his heart. The Academy of Philosophy solves challenges of companies using philosophical research data. Lightneer, founded in 2015, is a game studio that focuses on combining playing and learning in a natural way.
Learning to learn
Learning and enthusiasm is also significant when we consider the future of work. In an interview in the Puheen palo -forum, Lauri Järvilehto points out that the most important career skill is learning to learn. In the future, professional fields will change and update faster than ever before. You will also be able to change your profession and field multiple times. Järvilehto believes this type of development will allow you to search for your calling and keep learning something new.
What about merging business with philosophy? ”The world is changing so rapidly that suddenly the old ways are not working anymore. It’s smart to start looking for help and new views”, Järvilehto says in an interview for 3H+K magazine.
But how are we to manage with the challenges of the future? What kind of skills are needed in the upcoming decades? Where is your place in the future working life?
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