Dr. Raija Polvinen explores the fascinating world of adhesives, coatings and flame retardants with the Kiilto R&D team, in their Lempäälä research center near Tampere. Kiilto is a 100-year old family-owned company looking ahead to the future. Environmental aspects such as the circular economy and energy efficiency lie at the heart of the solutions designed at Kiilto. Before her Kiilto career, her research subject was emissions control catalysts in cars, both in the academic world and at Dinex Ecocat. Raija has studied chemistry and materials physics and she understands the fundamental role chemists and materials scientists have today in creating a future with materials and processes that enable a more sustainable way of living.
Raija Polvinen will talk about Chemistry Enabling Circular Economy on Westin Stage on 15:30-16:30 August 30th. Check out the timetable!
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