Mirva Antila’s career has been dominated by sales and leadership in various positions in IBM Finland, Sweden, and Nordic.
The interesting and diverse roles as well as the possibility to continuous learning has kept her working for IBM for over twenty years. IBM has given her pole position to witness the development of ICT industry. She works passionately to enhance the respect and professionalism of sales. Equality and diversity at work are also very important to her. In leadership, she believes in empowerment and trust. Mirva is happy to talk about the importance of data platforms, digitalization, cognitive systems, and blockchain. These new technologies enable business disruption and success in all industries. She is especially enthusiastic about the impact these technologies can have in healthcare and climate change.
Mirva Antila will talk about Tech for Good in Developing Markets – and Why it’s a Good Investment on Kesäteatteri Stage on 15:30-16:30 August 29th 2019.
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