Simone is one of the founders of Golbriak Space and a PhD candidate in Systems Engineering at Skoltech in Moscow, Russia.
During his bachelor at Politecnico of Turin, Italy, he participated in an exchange program with Tongji University in Shanghai, were he first got in touch with the startup world. Not without failures and a couple of IT projects that didn’t exactly work out as expected, he didn’t lose the strive to create his own company.
Bridging the gap between the technology developed in the university and industry became one of his main interests, and for this reason he joined Soltech, completing his master degree between Russia and MIT, USA.
With a thesis based on a successful optical link between 2 stratospheric balloons and with his eyes always directed towards the skies, after continuing part of his work as a PhD, together with his colleague, he founded Golbriak Space to commercialize his research thus improving data exchange between satellites.
In November 2017 his startup was part of the winning team for the ESA Small Satellite Challenge and the overall winner of the Copernicus Master, giving his company the chance of validating their first product in space in the beginning of 2019.
At SHIFT, he will talk to you about the current situation of micro satellites in space and his vision of creating the Internet For Space.
Notable publication: Design and flight test results of high speed optical bidirectional link between stratospheric platforms for aerospace applications
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