We have zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment.
We ask everyone who participates in the activities and events of SHIFT Events Oy to act in accordance with our code of conduct and values to provide everyone a safe space to participate and feel welcomed. We have to respect each other. Nothing else will do.
If you encounter inappropriate behaviour, please contact the closest security guard or staff member. If you wish, the security guard can guide you to a separate, safe space, where you can go through the incident in peace. The security guards have the right to remove from the venue any person showing inappropriate or harassing behavior.
Respect. We respect other people’s physical, mental, and emotional personal space. We remember that we cannot know the boundaries of someone without asking them first. We don’t touch without permission and if necessary, we ask for space for ourselves as well.
Intervene. If you witness any offensive behavior, do not just stand by but intervene. Report all cases to the staff nearest you.
Give space. Fruitful discussions are created when all voices are heard. We make sure everyone has space to participate in the discussion and we treat sensitive topics with respect.
Embrace feedback. If someone gives you feedback on your actions, please listen to the feedback provider. Remember to give feedback yourself as well! We are open to the feedback we receive and will take it into account when developing our activities in the future.
The SHIFT way of things:
- We take action – Ownership and accountability is in our core: if it is to be, it’s up to me.
- We stay curious – Make mistakes and have fun.
- We are united – Work together, keep your promises, do good.
- We show emotions – Hug, laugh, argue and remain honest towards one another.
Communication is the key!
Sisällön yhteydessä voidaan näyttää sosiaalisessa mediassa julkaistuja sisältöjä. Sosiaalisen median palvelut (esim. Facebook, Instagram, X ja YouTube) voivat hyödyntää evästeillä kerättyjä tietoja omassa käytössään. Näitä kohteita käytetään sinulle ja sinun etuihisi liittyvän mainonnan toimittamiseen. Lisäksi näitä evästeitä voidaan käyttää mittaamaan mainoskampanjoiden tehokkuutta. Mainosverkostot sijoittavat ne yleensä verkkosivuston ylläpitäjän luvalla.