In 2016, SHIFT Business Festival was proud to have Tammi Publishers participating at the event with the most amazing story of an entrepreneur who created a great career back in the day in the 16th century when the arena of SHIFT, the Turku Castle, was still the center of power in the town.
The participants at SHIFT 2016 met Kristiina Vuori, the author of Kaarnatuuli, a book about merchant and entrepreneur Valpuri Erkintytär Innamaa who fought her way to the top with her persistence and vigor. If a glass ceiling existed during the renaissance, she would’ve been the first to break it.
Life in the 16th century Turku wasn’t easy for anyone. Turku, one of the biggest towns in the Kingdom of Sweden, was suffering from two wars, subject to heavy taxation by the crown, devastated by the plague, several fires around the city and failure of crops. Not to mention Valpuri’s life as a woman: To be successful in the 16th century Turku where men were seen superior by law and the church women had to be highly intelligent and tough by nature to succeed – and that’s what she was.
What did Valpuri do during the during these difficult times? In a few years her Turku-based trading house was an important player in domestic and foreign trade. Even war didn’t stop her from doing business, quite the opposite, her ships carried goods and men to cities in around Europe. She was one of the brightest stars of her time, she kept on shining regardless of the violence, theft and all other obstacles she faced.
Kaarnatuuli starts from the rebellious summer of 1563 when King Eric XIV of Sweden sent his troops to Turku, sieged the Turku Castle and imprisoned his step brother duke Johan.
Kristiina Vuori (born 1967) writes historical fiction and she is known for her strong-minded women characters. Vuori is a talented storyteller whose novels are filled with romance, historical accuracy and strong emotions. Her stories are placed mostly in Medieval Finland, when Finland was under Swedish rule.
Get you ticets for SHIFT 2018 here!
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