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CEO, AirFaas

What is the next Airbnb, the next Uber or Spotify? And who says it will be consumer-related?

According to Edward Blomstedt, Finnish entrepreneur, supported by investors, industrialists and top politicians, the breakthrough will be in business to business. And the service is spelt “AirFaas”.

Edward is one of the founders of the company, a digital portal where you can upload the specifications of any product in the system and it will analyze, locate, budget, finance and implement the production of the product at the most competitive price and in the most convenient format in a factory somewhere in the world. An Airbnb for factories.

Edward has an M.Sc. in Industrial Management and Mechanical Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto University). His passion is enabling a smarter revolution in manufacturing for a greener future. He was voted Young Entrepreneur of the Year in Finland 2010.

Edward also started the company Combi Works 2005, which works in the conservative industrial sector and is now revamping this with AirFaas. Combi Works has sales in Northern Europe and Uganda and production in addition to Finland in the Baltics, Russia, China and India.