Utilization of new technologies throughout organizations’ businesses has clearly become a success factor. Turku Science Park Ltd has, together with the University of Turku and the Åbo Akademi University, developed a new 5 ECTS course for learning how to utilize and build new services and products with AI- technology. This course is called AI Business Academy (AIBA) and will start with a maximum of 20 companies in October 2019.
The course focuses on how AI-technologies solve business challenges. This means that the issue is not the technology, it is more about the business challenge and the possibilities to solve the challenge with AI technology. The courses are designed to focus on different themes, the first theme is customer care which means practical examples of various solutions related to the theme will be introduced. The goal is also to connect companies that can create AI pilots with both students and AI developing technology companies as well as introduce more in-depth academy courses for those who are interested. The course itself is carried out in two months, half a day per week. In addition, practical work in the organization will be carried out.
AIBA is launched and registration opens 30.9. This course is open for all companies and other organizations.
More information available at https://www.turkubusinessregion.com/en/ai
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