According to one of the world’s most prominent futurists, speaker Gerd Leonhard, there will be more changes in the next 20 years and than in the previous 300 years. These shifts will affect not only business, culture and society but also our biology and our ethics.
In the past, radical shifts in human society was driven by only one factor at a time – stone, bronze, electricity, industrial automation and the Internet. Now, we are living in a very exciting time, facing so-called Megashifts caused by the exponential advances in science and technology that will reshape the very essence of humanity. This fast-paced development is visible everywhere, i.e. in manufacturing, learning and genetics. According to one of the world’s most prominent futurists, speaker Gerd Leonhard, “humanity will change more in the next 20 years and than in the previous 300 years”. These shifts will affect not only business, culture and society but also our biology and our ethics. Along with the many opportunities that comes with the digital age, there will be huge responsibilities.
“We should embrace technology, but not to become it.”
As Choudhury wrote in an article in the Business Times, few ideas seem to remain fiction for long. Artificial Intelligence, printed food and cognitive computing are some among many ideas that have already become reality. Robots are becoming more human-like and in the future, you might even be able to print out human organs from 3D-printers. It will therefore be tremendously important to have a dedicated long-term understanding of the future, to survive the rapid changes of business. What kind of challenges are we facing? How should we embrace this digital transformation? Leonhard says that “we should embrace technology, but not to become it”. Furthermore, these digital advances will allow us to focus more on the one thing that matters, that can not be automated: humanity. A German musician by origin, Gerd Leonhard is also an author, a future strategist, the host of the web TV series TheFutureShow and the CEO of The Future Agency. The Future Agency is a global network of futurists and keynote speakers. Leonhard is an acclaimed author of future manifestos. His latest publication ‘Technology vs. Humanity’ released in 2016 is about the upcoming clash between human and machine.
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