Spring and the growing season is here! Art, environment and business met in a new way at SHIFTs “Kasvuhuone”, a room for growth set up in the center of Turku from March 7th until March 11th.
Kasvuhuone brought light and color into the heart of Turku. We wanted to introduce SHIFT, bring some foretaste of the actual event and give people a chance to sit down and enjoy a little break in a beautiful environment in the middle of the busy city center.
On Friday night, we had the official “Kasvuhuone Afterwork & Night Shift” from 6 pm until 5:30 am, bringing the atmosphere of an outdoor night club through music played by our own DJ, Artturi Elovirta.
This year’s theme, collaboration, was also displayed in the execution of Kasvuhuone. The project was made in collaboration with the students of HUMAK. The internal design and the visual look of Kasvuhuone was created by Janina Opoku. Kasvuhuone was part of an art installation series that will color the cityscape of Turku during the spring.
In collaboration with Kasvuhuone were also
Text by Iiris Lyyra. Photos by JP Salonen, Ha Doan and Sara Nguyen.
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